The geniuses at Fleshjack are back with a brand new product, that once again takes their popular masturbation product through a new and exciting iteration. And we’re very excited.
First it was the Fleshjack GO; exactly like a regular Fleshjack, but it was smaller and lighter. Then there was the QuickShot; now oral sex became even more interesting. And now, they’ve taken it another step – but how do you improve on perfection? Introducing the Fleshskins Grip – Fleshjacks first ‘Sleeve Only’ toy. Now I have to be real, when I first saw it, I was like… ‘eh, it’s cute I guess…’. But once it was in my hands and on my cock… well… that’s what you’re here to find out… so let’s get on with it, shall we?
First Impressions
The outer packaging is your standard Fleshjack affair. It’s what’s inside that counts. The Fleshskins Grip is housed in a solid plastic container, which doubles as a drying rack (more on that later). The sleeve inside is made from the same stretchy material as found in most Fleshjacks (perhaps a little stretchier and softer; but this could only feel like that because of it’s size). The sleeve is a gorgeous ice blue colour and completely see through (again, more on that later *wink wink*). The internal texture consists of a series of ribs, bumps and nodules (so far, so standard).
The sleeve also has built in finger holes, allowing you to really maintain a good grip on the sleeve as you are using it (lord knows i’ve lost count of the amount of times a small sleeve has just popped out of my lubed up fingers!). The only downside i’ve seen so far, is the sleeve is VERY sticky. Now, I expect this because if this was powdered like the other Fleshjack products, it would lose it’s transparency; but it is still *super* sticky. I wouldn’t be able to drop this on the floor in this house (damn pug hairs). Which is why I a thankful for the over-sized storage case/drying rack. The Fleshskins Grip is only available in the one colour/texture at the moment and retails for €33.95 (£29 approx).
In Use
So is it any good? Well, in a short word… YES. I officially LOVE this sleeve. It doesn’t offer any ‘revolutionary’ in the way of function or design… but it does feel bloody incredible! So many things that I love about this toy. So let’s quickly touch on what I love.
Firstly, the finger grips… this really should be a design feature on ALL case-less masturbation sleeves. I know Fleshjack isn’t the first company to offer something like this, but it is the first I have tried and DAMN; I firmly believe this needs to be a standard design feature. Now i’m sure not everyone is as careless as I am with lube, but sometimes it does get everywhere. and it can be tricky holding onto the little buggers. Not here! Even my giant sausage fingers can fit through the finger holes on the Fleshskins Grip and it still feels comfortable. There is no chance of this suddenly popping out of my hands and landing with a ‘splat’ on my bedroom floor. Hooray!
Speaking of case-less; this is also a delightful change of direction. Don’t get me wrong, I personally love my regular Fleshjacks with the hard cases… but I appreciate that there are plenty of people that don’t like them; either because they are too big and bulky, or they aren’t suitable for the more girthier penis. Well gone is that problem. The sleeve is no longer bound by it’s plastic prison, and can therefore expand to accommodate a penis of almost any size! Like, I say almost because I don’t have a whopping 12 inch penis to test with this, but the material does have a GOOD amount of stretch so.. you know, I want to say it’s possible?
Because of the lack of case, it means you can really control the tightness and intensity of your strokes. I am more aware of the texture inside, and it really does just feel so… nice! Honestly, this is probably the easiest wank session ever. And of course… the see through aspect is a HUGE plus for both me and the husband. We love watching each other get off, and having that added aspect of being able to see each others cocks thrusting through the sleeve, occasionally poking out of the hole in the top is just such a visual turn on for the both of us. I really am having trouble finding anything to hate about this product.
When using it by myself, it feels comfortable and it really doesn’t take me too long to reach orgasm. But what I really like is using it on him; when his glans pops out of the top, I can tease it with my tongue – and the finger grips make it so much easier to hold. Sometimes, it’s the most simple ideas that work the best; this isn’t an overly complicated product. It just works, and it works damn well.
Clean-up and Maintenance
As with all Fleshjack sleeves, you’ll want to give this a thorough clean. Fleshjack do recommend just rinsing thoroughly with warm water. I do like to get my fingers in there and work it through every nook and cranny to ensure all lube and bodily fluids have gone. When it comes to drying, the storage case acts as a drying stand. The base has a huge ventilation hole, allowing you to place it on the stand and let it air dry thoroughly. This allows for quicker drying time. Once it’s dry, you can then pop the lid on and then store it away.
Of course, once you have cleaned it, the sleeve will be very tacky and sticky. You could put some renewal powder onto the sleeve, if you wanted to get rid of the stickiness, but naturally it will ‘cloud’ the sleeve; so a good rinse before you next use it would be advisable if you did want to go down this route.
Well what can I say? The Fleshskins Grip is a great little toy! It packs in all the things that I love about Fleshjack into a smaller, more flexible and easier to dry little package that’s under £30. The lack of case means that it can be used by almost any penis, and the texture inside is definitely far more enjoyable than just your hand. And I don’t know, I guess that’s why I like this. It’s like my hand, only better. It’s not complicated, or trying to do too many things at once. It’s just a wank sleeve and it feels good.
I hope in the future, that we might get some more colours and textures, but for now, this one will do and it will most certainly be coming out for a spin fairly regularly. In fact, I need to take a break now so…
Where to Buy
You can order your Fleshskins Grip directly from Fleshjack for €33.95.

I would like to thank Fleshjack for sending us the Fleshskins Grip free of charge in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our thoughts or opinions of this or any other product we receive for review. All opinions expressed here are 100% my own, honest thoughts. Affiliate links have been used in this post. Please consider supporting the blog (if you like our work) by making your purchases through these! Thank you!