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We seem to have a hit a run recently of reviewing lots of smart-tech. I don't really know how that h…
As I'm sure you are aware, there was a period of time over the last 12-18 months where I just hadn't…
"Is that a hairdryer?", my enquiring husband asks as he holds up one of the items I had laid out bef…
How many wand vibrators is too many for one person to own? I don't want to know the answer because I…
It has been an absolute hot MINUTE since we've reviewed a wand. In fact, it's been almost THREE year…
I swear, product names are getting longer and longer... Anyway, no - your eyes are NOT deceiving you…
Vibrating cock rings are something that we don't really use all that often. Truthfully, for the simp…
Advances in technology has done wonderful things. It’s allowed us to carry a phone, a cd player, a T…
Lately, I always feel like i'm opening my blog posts with an apology... i've been so behind with get…
Shock, Horror. A JimmyJane toy that I don't actually hate. What has happened? Why is the world upsid…
It's been a wee while since i've been excited by a vibrator. In fact, it's been about 12 months sinc…
The day this package arrived, my entire schedule had to be wiped clean.The anticipation was astronom…

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