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OK so, realistically, this guide is really for anyone who has a penis and has been curious about magic wand vibrators, but haven’t really been sure about what you can do with them, and why they would feel so good. Or maybe you know someone with a penis and you want to make them squirm (in a good way, of course)…

As someone with several wand massagers, i’m here to tell you when used correctly they feel AMAZING. I first experienced a wand massager around 4 years ago – I won the ‘Sex Toy Review of the Month’ at Lovehoney, and with my winnings, I bought their own-brand Magic Wand. I’d read countless reviews from people saying that it had rocked their world – but all these reviews had one thing in common – the end user had a clitoris. But what about those of us with a penis? Could it have the same sort of effect? I was determined to find out. When it arrived, I took it out of it’s box and turned it on. Holy cow it was powerful. It made my whole arm shake. Even just resting it on my penis through my thick jeans, I could feel it intensely. I was both excited and terrified. My other half was also very unsure.


So what is a Wand Massager?

A Wand Massager in essence is a large, vibrating device that features a cushioned head on a flexible neck, which emits deep vibrations. They are often collectively called ‘Magic Wands’. One of the very first, if not THE first wand massager was the infamous Hitachi Magic Wand. Created in 1968 by the japanese company Hitachi, it’s original purpose was as an actual muscle massager. You could use it to drive those vibrations deep into the muscle tissue to help relieve stress and tension. However, sex educator Betty Dodson soon discovered that it had other purposes, and heralded its triumph as a device suitable for use during masturbation.

The device had always been relatively popular, but it wasn’t until 2002, when a wand massager was featured in an episode of ‘Sex and the City‘, did it explode and subsequently sold out for a short time. Hitachi soon decided they didn’t want their name on the device, and at one point considered ceasing production. However, official distributor Vibratex persuaded them to keep going, and instead marketed the device as the Original Magic Wand.


Over the years, there have been many alternatives to the Hitachi, as officially it’s not available to the european market. There is the Lovehoney Magic Wand, the Doxy Wand, LELO Smart Wand, Lovehoney Desire, Nalone Electro Wand, Rumble, The O-Wand… the list goes on. But they all function in a similar way.

Wand Massagers are usually quite loud, especially if they are mains powered. Rechargeable wands tend to be smaller, quieter and lighter and traditionally are not as powerful as mains powered wands. So these should be thought about when choosing the right wand massager for you. Do you crave power or subtlety?

So going back to the first time we used a wand massager, I was extremely excited by the prospect, but my other half wasn’t. When used on me, it sent me wild. On him, well, it fizzled quicker than a soggy firecracker. But my how the times have changed since then. So, let’s get onto the fun stuff.


Using a Wand Massager

For Massage

Well let’s start out simple and with the most obvious use – the Wand Massager is awesome as just that – a Massager. I work in retail when i’m not diddling myself with dildos, and when you spend all day on your feet, going up and down stairs lugging heavy boxes – it can really take it out of you. However, when I get home, a quick blast of a wand on my thighs, calves and lower back really help me feel so much better. And the great thing is, I don’t even need to take off my clothes. However, don’t let that stop you getting naked. It can be just as nice with a little bit of massage oil. (Just make sure the head of your wand is oil compatible).


Penile Stimulation

I would say this would be the second most obvious use, and easily one of the best. Although let me just say at this point – no toy is ever guaranteed to give you an orgasm. We’re all wired differently, so if any of this doesn’t work for you, this is not a big deal – you are perfectly normal. Some people just won’t like it. There are a few different ways that you can use the wand to stimulate the penis.


When looking at a penis, the frenulum (or banjo string as it is affectionately known as) is the stretchy bit of skin that secures the foreskin to the glans penis, and allows it contract over the glans freely. If you have been circumcised, you may no longer see it, but the sensitive nerves are still very much present under the skin. Many men are able to achieve orgasm/ejaculation just by stimulating this area. Simply place the head of your magic wand on the underside of the penis, and just let the vibrations do their thing. I am definitely someone who reacts favourably to this sort of stimulation.

Start off gentle, and then crank up the vibrations as and when you feel ready too. A little lube on the underside of the penis as well will allow you to glide the wand along the length of the shaft, allowing those vibrations to penetrate deeply all over. In some instances, you don’t even need to be fully erect to achieve ejaculation – so those who suffer from erectile dysfunction can still achieve orgasm. It’s a completely different feeling when you orgasm this way, at least, it is for me anyway. I can feel it build up much deeper inside, and the release is always just that little bit more forceful than when I masturbate with just my hand or a stroker.

We recently discovered how much fun we could have just by putting the a wand in between us, and resting both our cocks on the head of the wand. It’s like an extension of frottage, but far more intense. Of course, one of us still needs to hold the wand in the right place, but when you get it right… fireworks.

Masturbation Cup

There are numerous ‘brands’ of masturbation cup for wand vibrators, but in essence they all look and work the same. There are 2 ‘styles’ – there is the open-ended ‘hummer‘ style attachment which features raised bumps on one side, and a tight canal on the other side. The second style is a ‘cup‘ which completely encapsulates the tip of the penis, and features lots of ribs and nodules. They are incredibly simple to use. Just slip the attachment over the end of the wand, lube up the inside of the sleeve and yourself and then slip inside and turn it on.

The sensation here is again completely different. With the ‘Hummer’ in particular, the entire sleeve shakes and writhes around your shaft. In most cases, I don’t even have to move/stroke – just the vibrations alone are enough to get me to orgasm. Of course, with the open-ended sleeve, you can stroke with it if you wish. With the cup, you can’t really do that, you just need to ‘hold’ it in place – but the results are the same. The stimulating nodules on the inside transmit the vibrations all throughout the shaft.

Anal Stimulation

Yes, you can use a wand massager to take anal play to another level – whether you are going internal or staying external.


I’ve had the best results when the head of the wand has been pressed right up against the perineum, just under my testicles. Not only do I get the benefit of a testical massage as well, but the vibrations penetrate deep enough to provide light prostate stimulation. At this point, you can combine this with some oral sex, or use a stroker/masturbator. A little bit of lube here helps as well.

Also, and call me crazy, but i’ve found that if you use a ‘flutter‘ type attachment, you can gently tickle the anus, and it creates a sort of ‘rimming‘ sensation – coupled again with a liberal coating of lube to keep things slippery, it feels pretty amazing!


There are many attachments for the magic wands that can be used to drive those vibrations even deeper inside. I recently experimented with a G-Spot attachment, and I can safely say, it was an unequivocal success. Of course, before you use any attachment, make sure it’s suitable (i.e a nice, safe clean Silicone attachment) and take the time to properly prepare yourself as you would normally.

When using an attachment like this, i’ve found it easiest and most comfortable to start on my back and insert, with the wand between my legs. Start with the vibrations on low and work your way up. The G-Spot attachment, on a Doxy, on full speed ROCKS my prostate into another dimension. I’m 99% certain the last time I did this, I was speaking in tongues. My husband also agrees. The first time we tried this out, I decided I was going to conduct an experiment. So I had the Doxy with the G-Spot attachment inside, rocking his prostate – and I grabbed a SECOND Doxy (yes, I have more than one… #SorryNotSorry) and placed a masturbation cup over the top. Basically, i’ve NEVER heard him make noises quite like the noises he was making then. He was also writhing all over the bed like a fish out of water, desperate for breath.

Create a home-made Sex Machine

A while ago, I was sent a new wand attachment to review for Lovehoney – it was a plate to allow you to use suction cup toys with your wand. In my course of testing, I came up with a nutty idea. Grabbing a couple of pillows, a couple of belts, my wand and the attachment, I MacGyver’ed myself a sex machine. It wasn’t beautiful, but you know what… it worked. And I was SO PROUD of myself. It meant I could ride the wand/dildo’s hands-free. You can experiment with the pillows, but you basically want it to form a shape you can ‘straddle’ and hold in place with your thighs, whilst you ride.

Of course, if you haven’t got the proclivity or patiences to knock up something like that, then the attachment on it’s own is a great way of breathing new life into all those suction cup dildos and butt plugs you have. It doesn’t always work (if it’s a particularly big/chunky dildo) but when it does, it feels pretty darn good.

In Conclusion

I honestly laboured under the impression for so long that these toys were marketed at those who were clitorally-inclined. And it’s one of my big issues with how a lot of retailers market their toys. Splitting things into men/women/couples is frustrating. A dildo can be used by ANYONE so stop saying it’s ‘just for women’. But that’s another matter, entirely. The moral of the story is, that if you’ve ever doubted whether a wand massager is for you, then doubt no more. There are so extremely versatile, and can be used by ANYONE, and in almost ANY WAY you wish. Just remember, always play safe and carefully.

How do you like to use your Magic Wand? Have you got any awesome tips on how to get the best out of your toy? Drop us a comment below and share with the world.

Until Next Time….

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